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Should have known it wouldn’t work. Everyone thought his story was a great little creepypasta. But, of course, it was actually real, unlike whatever thing about a murderer that will kill you if you dont share an image.


It started simply enough. Daniel started noticing hand prints on his windows. Probably just from putting his hand there when watching birds or whatever. But when he tried to clean them, he found they were actually on the outside. Pretty creepy, but maybe just the neighbor kids, or he did it absentmindedly while smoking. Slightly paranoid he went and got a rag and a spray bottle and headed outside to clean them off. Only when he went outside, he noticed something about the hand prints. None of them had fingerprints. Not a single swirl or anything, yet they were very visible. Daniel couldn’t rationalize this, no way someone was accidently touching his windows all over with surgeons gloves.


That afternoon, he drove out and bought a shitty security camera. Not gonna do much but should help explain the hand prints, or at the very least scare away whoever made them. Daniel tried to get some sleep, but with his situation found it difficult. His impatience got the best of him and he decided to check the window for whoever it was or more prints. He walked to the window, and it took his sleepy brain a second to process what it was. It was human-ish, but its head was too spherical, and it lacked ears, hair, and basically any finer detail. Its skin was smooth, like a polished rock, looking like it shouldn’t be able to move. And its face looked almost like a childs drawing of a smiley face. The holes that made the eyes and mouth went all the way back in the head. And it sat, just watching him. Rationally, he booked it out of there and ran to his bedroom. He looked frantically for a weapon. The only thing useful in arms reach was his walking stick. Heavy and could keep a person at bay but wasn’t much comfort against whatever was outside.


One minute. Ten minutes. After twelve minutes he began to let his guard down. After fourteen minutes he saw movement in his window. After fifteen minutes the thing slid into view. He could do nothing but sit and wait, praying it wouldn’t attempt to get in. He tried to keep eye contact but the hollow pits for eyes made it difficult. After a few hours the sun began to rise. The thing got a sad look on its face and turned and walked out of view of the window.


Daniel waited for a few more minutes before getting up. No sign of the thing. He then remembered the camera. After he retrieved the film, he was dissapointed. You could tell something was there, just not what it was. Without any better solution, he decided to tell his story online, and included the picture. Most people thought it was just a story but a few people did believe him. He talked with them in a chatroom and got some advice. Firstly, cover the windows. Second, buy a gun. Daniel wasn’t a gun guy but he did appreciate the small snub nosed revolver. He bought it second hand, no need for a permit. Not like anyone cared, it was a rural area and everyone owned a gun.


The advice to cover all the windows was welcome, and for a few days the handprints didnt appear and Daniel was able to rest easy. But only for a few days. That latest night, he woke with a start, with the uneasy feeling of being watched. He looked over at the window. Still covered in duct tape. And then, a loud thump. He jumped, and immedietly reached for his gun. He looked back to see the duct tape, burning and peeling away, to reveal the thing with its hand to the window. Then, it raised its hand to slam the window again. Daniel didn’t hesitate, He aimed at the head and fired.


When he went outside, half expecting the thing to be gone like in a story, but no, it was sitting there, dead as a door nail. Its face looked like exploded jello but it was otherwise intact. He snapped a picture and thought about how the guys in the chat room would love this. He then fired 4 more shots into it.

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