Anomalous Reaction Corps
Cryptid 23: “Floaters”
Object Class: Titan
Destruction Procedures: Object 238 can be destroyed through the removal of the bacteria or the infected area(s), followed by incineration of said areas. The primary infection location would be the eye organs. If infection is not contained at this stage and cycle 3 begins, the subject must be neutralized via inflammation. Ashes are to be sent onto ARC lab ###
Description: 238 are a species of bacteria known to the general public as “eye floaters”. While normally non-lethal at first, if the eyes are not initially cleaned out via tears, or manual removal within the 24 hour initialization period, it’s reproduction/control cycles will begin. Cycle 1 begins after 24 hours of the eyes not re-moisturizing themselves with tears or a saline solution, 238 will begin to asexually reproduce within the pupil. During this time, the infected victim will begin to notice more floaters within their vision. If reported at this stage, a 238 infection may be able to be removed through saline treatments. After approximately 48 hours of reproduction, the host’s sight will begin to “Black out” due to floater amount increasing to where all visible light will be absorbed by 238. Once the complete blackout is attained, cycle 2 begins. During cycle 2, the bacteria will slowly move from the pupil into the brain, where the bacteria will begin to control the higher functions or their host. Once mental control has been taken, cycle 3 will begin. During this phase, the host’s body will begin to shift. New limbs will begin to grow, and the host’s flesh will begin to melt and reform erratically. Despite the immense stress the new life-form, it is still capable of speech. Conversations with a cycle 3, speech capable 238 have yielded fruitless of any sort of logical conversation. Despite this, different questions seemed to prompt different responses, with repeated questions receiving the same answers, which may indicate some intelligence, but these words seem to be based off of their host’s previous knowledge. Along with speech, cycle 4 begins. During this cycle, the subject begins to dissolve and expand to fit the room that they are contained in. While dissolving, the bacteria begins to travel airborne into the eyes of any organic life within the immediate area. If left unchecked, the expansion continues.
Interview with Cycle 3 infected host, 38 year old white American male. Interviewer is HR department head MC.
MC: Greetings ######
Host: Germany, retcon, echo, Einstein, Tetris, Iowa, narcolepsy, summer.
MC: Can you understand me?
Host: Yalta, energizer, [UNINTELLIGIBLE]
MC: Please refrain from moving.
The rest of the interview’s tape reel has been removed.